The Beginning

My passion and love for hand crafts started since I was a little boy, sometimes I was called the handy little man because you always see me with tools trying to fix and create things. Growing up I decided to go to a Mosaic Restoration School; an Italian-Jordanian Program that was set in Madaba-Jordan for about 4 years in collaboration with the Opificio Delle Pietre Dure .

Il Falsario

During my studies & work at the Opeficio Delle Pietre Dure, I had the chance to work for one of the best Professors of The Mosaic Restoration & Fabrication in Italy, Professor Raddi, and had the honor to work on restoring some mosaic in a famous monument in Florence Battistero di San Giovanni . Professor Raddi knew I was talented and always gave me some hard pieces of work to fix/restore and that’s when the name il Falsario “The Forger” was born as a nick name!

Finding my passion

After finishing my course at the Opificio Delle Pietre Dure I started trying to figure out what my passion was. I started to experience  and try working with different materials like Wood, Gold Leaf, and leather. I worked with leather but not as a maker, I was just in sales; I loved talking to people and getting to know what people like and prefer which gave me a good idea what the market needs are. I never thought I would be making my own hand Stitching-Craft brand.

How I started

It started with me visiting my ” Very Talented Shoemaker” friend in his shop, and while he was making one of his first shoes; he was having a few technical issues, I shared some old techniques I knew about from working with different materials and He was able to use my suggestions to accomplish what he needed. After that, He suggested that I should get into the other side of leather which is the production side! So I borrowed some of his tools and went to my shop. I didn’t know how to stitch but after getting into it, I figured out that it was all already in my blood 🙂 I should’ve known because my mother  was actually a great seamstress! And I did my first piece! It was my first step to me to finding my passion in leather crafts even though it wasn’t a piece of Art but to me it was the first Piece Of The Puzzle. And that’s how it all started.

My first piece!